Terms & Conditions of Hire

Shefford Community Hall

Terms & Conditions of  Hire

Registered Charity - 1081570

Hiring the Hall

The Hall is available for hire to all residents of Shefford and surrounding local areas for a wide range of events from parties, classes, exhibitions, meetings and businesses. You can check availability by viewing the calendar on the 'What's On' page. Our rates are competitive and include heating, lighting and the use of tables, chairs and all the kitchen facilities. 

Hire Charges


For details of hire charges please contact the Booking Officer between 9am - 5pm Tel: 01462 811607

or email - sheffordcommunityhall@gmail.com

Please ensure that you have read and understand the 'Terms & Conditions' of Hire. Signing the 'Booking Form' is an agreement that you enter a contract that could be used as evidence should legal action become necessary.


The hall is leased from the Church and as such the terms of the lease do not permit activities which are not consistent with Christian belief. Hirers seeking clarification should contact the Bookings Officer.



  • The Hall may be booked for single or recurring lettings. Hire charges are priced by the hour and includes the use of the kitchen facilities, tables and chairs.  Contact the Booking Officer for rates and availability.
  • The Hirer must be over the age of 18 and will accept the 'Terms & Conditions of Hire' on behalf of the whole party. The Hirer must ensure that children under the age of 18 are supervised at all times. The premises shall not be used for any other purpose than that described on the booking form nor sub-let the premises. Our opening hours are 8am-11pm. The hall will be opened and closed by the Booking Officer, at the time agreed.
  • Please ensure that any caterers or contractors are aware of the hire period and that they will not be able to enter before or leave after the hire period unless by prior arrangement and that all guests vacate the premises at the time agreed.
  • The booking contract is not made until the Booking Form and hire payment have been received by the Booking Officer. The hire period must cover the entire period needed to set up, hold the event, clear up and vacate the premises. Provisional bookings will be held for 7 days from the date of the Booking Form.
  • The Management Committee reserve the right to refuse any application and shall not be required to give any  reason for such refusal, or to terminate any activities not being  properly conducted.
  • They also reserve the right to enter the hall at any time during an event, or curtail an event if deemed necessary, for the welfare of the guests or  the safety of the building and charge the Hirer for any expense incurred.
  • Public Liability is the responsibility of the Hirer.

            TERMS OF PAYMENT

  • A 'one off' booking event must be paid at the time of booking and sent with the Booking  Form. This will be confirmed once received.
  • In addition to the hire charge a £50 security deposit is required and will be refunded after the event, subject to a satisfactory inspection of the hall for  any breakages and cleanliness and provided that all tables and chairs and facilities used are stored back in their original place. The security deposit can be paid on the day of the event.
  • Regular Hirers will be invoiced quarterly in arrears and payment terms are strictly 14 days from the date of the invoice. A receipt will be sent acknowledging payment.


  • Hirers may cancel a booking by giving 10 days notice to the Booking Officer and no charge shall be made. Failure to give such notice, a refund is at the discretion of the Management  Committee.
  • The Management Committee reserves the right to cancel any booking, in the event of the premises being required for use as a Polling Station for Parliamentary, Local or Bye-Elections, or for hall maintenance. The Hirer will  be entitled to a full refund of any payment made.
  • In the event of the hall being required for emergency purposes as a safe place of refuge, hirers at the time will need to vacate the hall immediately. The Hirer will be entitled to a full refund of any payment made.
  • The Management Committee reserve the right to cancel any hire that they consider might lead to a breach of licensing conditions or other legal or statutory requirements, or unlawful or unsuitable activity that may take place at the premises.


  •  Hirers have the use of tables, chairs, crockery and cutlery, kettles, oven, fridge and microwave at no additional charge.
  • All equipment used must be left in a clean condition and stored back in their original storage area. Any charges incurred due to breakages, items not left clean, failure to store tables and chairs in their correct place, will be deducted from the security deposit.
  • As a Hirer of the hall you have a duty of care to prevent injury to yourself and other hall users. When using the table trolleys please ensure the front and rear brakes are engaged when loading, unloading and storing the tables in their original position, with the strap pulled tightly across the front of the  tables. Chairs must be stored six high only. Detailed instructions and photograph are on the wall showing the correct procedure.
  • Regular hirers that are given the provision of a key, imposes a special responsibility, that is to ensure that after each session, all lights throughout the building and all electrical equipment, other than the refrigerator, used during the hire, are switched off and Hirers own appliances removed from the building.
  • All tables and chairs to be stored back in their original position, as per the detailed instruction and photograph located on the wall.  The heating must be  set back to the default temperature of 10 degrees in winter, switched off in summer and all windows and external doors are closed and properly secured, before vacating the premises.
  • No fixtures, fittings, placards, decorations or other articles may be attached in any way, to any part of the premises without the prior  permission of the Booking Officer. If approved and when removed by the Hirer, they must make good any damage caused to the premises by the removal of them.
  • No apparatus or equipment can be left on the premises without the prior consent of the Management Committee.
  • The Hirer shall ensure that noise is kept to a minimum on arrival, during the hire period and depature. Amplified music or other sounds must be kept at a reasonable level throughout the period of hire and should not be audible within the surrounding neighboring properties. If this is breached the Management Committee have the right for the immediate closure of the event.


  • The Hirer shall ensure that equipment such as Bouncy Castles and Roundabouts, or other similar equipment authorised by the Management Committee, conforms to the recognised safety standards and are PIPA tested.That the hiring organisation must have suitable 'PLI' (Public Liability Insurance) for the type of event being held against all claims arising as a result of the hire and on demand, shall produce a current Policy or other evidence of cover, to the hall Booking Officer. Go to www.pipa.org.uk. Any equipment used during the hire must be supervised at all times.


  • The Hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on the premises that is in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and  lotteries. Only non-commercial games are permitted as per the 'GCR' (Gambling Commission Regulations).


  • It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that they hold or obtain the necessary licences in respect of any proposed activity to be held in the hall, not covered by the Shefford Community Hall's own 'Premises Licence'.You should allow plenty of time for obtaining these.


  • No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to the public on the premises unless  a TENS (Temporary Events Notice) available from the local council, is aquired  for the event.The licence shall be presented to the Booking Officer before commencement of the event. A licence is not required for private parties. Selling or supplying alchohol to under 18 year olds on the premises is against the law and could be subject to a fine of up to £5,000.


  • The Hirer is  responsible for the public safety and behaviour of all persons using the premises and grounds whatever their capacity. The Hirer shall ensure that children under the age of 18 are supervised by an adult at all times. 
  • Hirers are held responsible for adequate supervision of the premises, fabric, contents, the grounds and car parking, used by their party during the period of hire.
  • The Hirer must  ensure that 'Fire Exit' doors and access to them are kept clear at all times.
  • Equipment used during the hire period such as Bouncy Castles or Roundabouts or similar equipment authorised by the Booking Officer, must be supervised at all times.


  •  It is the policy of Shefford Community Hall Management Committee to  safeguard the welfare of all its patrons.

           Any suspicions or allegations  must be reported immediately to the Booking Officer.

  • It is the responsibility of the Hirer to comply with the  'Children Act 1989' and 'Safeguard Vulnerable Groups Act 2006' to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults.
  • Children are not allowed in the kitchen unless as part of a planned and adult-supervised learning activity.
  • The Hirer shall also ensure that any activities for children under 18 years of age and vulnerable adults comply with the 'Independant Safeguarding Authority' requirements and that only fit and proper persons have access to such groups. This may include the sight of relevant DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check, where the Management Committee consider it appropriate. The Hirer will be expected to make themselves aware of the liabilities stated in the above legislations. In an event of any incident please refer it to the Shefford Community Hall Management Committee immediately.
  • The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to the Booking Officer in accordance with the regulations RIDDOR - (Reporting of Injurites, Diseases and Dangerous Occurance Regulations 2013). Details of any accident must be entered in the 'Accident Book' next to the 'First Aid' box which are located in the Hall on top of the cabinet on the left hand side as you enter the hall.
  • The Hirer must comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, the Licensing Authority or otherwise, particularly in connection with any event which constitutes regulated entertainment, at which alcohol is sold or provided which is attended by children.


  • The Hirer is responsible for any persons providing, preparing, serving or selling food on the premises for any event and must observe and abide with  the  'FHHS' (Food Health & Hygiene Safety Regulations 1990) legal requirements. The Management Committee is not responsible for any food brought onto  the Hall premises.


  • The maximum capacity of the hall, as agreed by the Fire Officer, is 100 persons. The Hirer shall undertake not to exceed this figure.
  • The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority and Police Constabulary in connection with any public event.
  • The Hirer must familiarise themselves with the 'Fire Safety' procedure displayed on the Notice Boards in the Hall and is responsible for informing all those using the hall of the location of the Emergency Exits, the actions to be taken in event of fire, which includes calling the Fire Brigade - 999 and evacuating the hall.
  • In the event of a fire all persons must evacuate the hall immediatelly and go to the Assembly Point which is the grassy area at the corner of High Street and Old Station Way, where the appropriate ssignage will be located.
  • Please note, hall users should not attempt to use the Fire Extinguishers unless they have received specific training in their use.
  • Fire Extinguishers must not be used as doorstops.
  • Fire Exit doors must be kept clear of obstructions at all times.
  • In exceptional climatic conditions the 'Fire Exits' may be opened to improve ventilation, but the Hirer shall ensure the Fire Exits  are closed and properly secured before vacating the premises.
  • High flammable or conbustible substances are not to be brought into, or used in any part of the premises.
  • Lighted candles are permitted on celebratory cakes (e.g. birthday cakes) but great care must be taken to prevent the ignition of clothing and hair.
  • The lighting of candles for relaxation classes is allowed but candles must be contained in a jar or lantern when lit.
  • Candles must not be left unattended.

            NO SMOKING

  • The hall has a 'No Smoking Policy'. The Hirer shall ensure that their invitees comply with the 'Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Health Act 2006' regulations. The Hirer must be aware of the liabilities stated in the legislation.

           ACCESS FOR ALL

  • There is access into the building for wheelchair users and a designated lavatory inside. Guide dogs are welcome into the hall, but must not enter the kitchen.


  • Hirers have the use of the small parking area within the grounds. All vehicles are left at owner's risk and accidents or damage caused in the Car Park must be covered by the owner's own insurance policy. Extra parking is available in the roadway in front of the hall grounds.
  • The Hirer must ensure that the entrance to the hall is left clear at all times.


  • The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought onto the premises and connected to the power outlets provided in the hall are safe and in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the 'Electricity at Work Regulations 1989'.  Where a residual circuit breaker is provided the Hirer must make use of it in the interest of public safety. Any such equipment must have passed the necessary P.A.T tests and certificates must be produced upon request. Public Liability Insurance cover must exist for any equipment used.
  • The use of smoke machines is not permitted in the hall as these interfere with the smoke detectors.


  •  The named Hirer on the Terms & Conditions shall indemnify Shefford Community Hall, the Hall Management Committee, employees, volunteers and agents against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions arising during the hire  of the hall or grounds against:-
  • a)  The cost of repair or any damage done to any part of the premises, its contents, or loss of contents, fixtures, fittings, equipment and grounds. Any damage caused to the adjacent owners property and its grounds during the hire will be the responsibility of the Hirer.
  • b) All claims for loss or damage and costs suffered in respect of any personal property, or injury to persons, arising as a result of the use of the premises (including the storage of  equipment) will be borne by the Hirer.
  • c)  All claims for loss, damages and costs suffered or incurred as a result of entering or leaving  the hall, or any claim made by a third party, as a result of the use of the  premises, will be charged to the Hirer.
  • d) The Management Committee cannot be held responsible for any breakdown of machinery, failure of electricity supply, leakage of water, or any  fire that may occur which may cause the hall to be closed.
  • e) Helium balloons are not allowed at any time  during the hire and if used will result in the security deposit being retained by the Booking Officer and a possible fine, plus charges to the Hirer for any expenses incurred  for the removal of same.


  • The Hirer shall ensure that no birds or animals (except guide dogs) are brought into the premises other than a special event agreed with the Booking Officer. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time.

            SALE OF GOODS

  • The Hirer shall, if selling goods on the premises, comply with the FTL (Fair Trading Law) code of practice in connection with such sales. The Hirer will be expected to make themselves aware of the liabilities stated in the above legislation.


  • The Hall Management Committee accepts no responsibility or liability for any property or equipment, brought onto, or left at the premises by the Hirer or anyone in the party. The Community Hall may dispose of any equipment or other property left on the premises after the hire period has expired and may charge the Hirer any costs incurred in storing or disposing of the property.
  • All equipment and property of the hirer or hirer's agent must be removed at the end of the hire, unless prior arrangement with the Booking Officer has been made, or fees will be charged until the same is removed.


  • The Hirer is responsible for leaving the hall, kithen and outside areas in a clean and tidy condition.  All rubbish, food, bottles etc. generated by their event must be taken off the premisess and placed in the bins outside. Cleaning equipment is provided. Failing this the security deposit will be retained and the Management Committee have the discretion of charging a 'Tidy Levy'.


  • The 'General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - 2018)' is aimed to provide individuals with more control over their personal information and Shefford Community Hall is committed to taking care of your data. The information collected is relevant only to the event booked with Shefford Community Hall.
  • In order to complete your booking, we need information about you. None of the information on the Booking Form will be shared in anyway, except where we may be legally required to do so. All your related information pertaining to the hire of the hall will be disposed of within 28 days of the completion of our contractual relaltionship.


            Information on the 'Booking Form' will not be shared in anyway, except where we may be legally 

           required to do so. All related information pertaining to the hire of the hall will be destroyed within                       within 28 days of the completion of our contractual relationship.


  • We   are exempt  from registration with the  Information Commissioner, as Shefford Community Hall is a Registered Charity.
  • Under the terms of exemption any data held may only be used for the purpose of providing and administrating activity of the Charity which include: -
  • Hall Booking
  • Accounts and Records
  • Staff Administration.
  • The Data Protection policy will be reviewed annually in September by the Management Committee.

            NO RIGHTS

  • The Agreement to hire constitutes permission only to use the premises and confers no tenancy or other right of  occupation on the Hirer.                                                                                                                                    

              Registered Charity no. 1081570                       September 2023